Beginner Skincare Routine Tips You Need
4 Tips for a Beginner Skincare Routine
Getting into skincare can be so overwhelming! Do you really need a different routine for the morning and night? And what is the difference between a serum and a moisturizer? Don’t worry, June’s Moon is sharing the best tips for a beginner skincare routine.
Tip #1: Consistency, Consistency, Consistency
Are you a morning person or night owl? Figure out when you have those extra minutes to practice skincare and stick to it! Following the same skincare routine every day will have the best results over time.
Tip #2: Be Patient!
We know, the skincare world can be full of gimmicks—but the best results are worth waiting for. Reducing redness, under-eye bags, and fine lines can take up to a month or two before you see a difference. So be patient and give it time before you give up on skincare.
Tip #3: Popular Products Aren’t Always Best
If you’re just getting to know skincare products, you may be tempted to try “what everyone is using.” That doesn’t mean it will work for your skin. Finding products that use clean ingredients and target your areas of concern is essential when it comes to creating a skincare routine.
Tip #4: Indulge in Facial Masks
Every week or two, it’s beneficial to indulge your skin in a restorative facial mask. These can target dryness or dull skin and provide a refreshed, glowing complexion. If you don’t want to stress with a messy application and clean-up, try an overnight mask that absorbs into your skin!
June’s Moon makes it easy for beginners to create a skincare routine. Our product line includes a cleanser, moisturizer, serum, and cream—everything you need to get started. Shop online today!